Why did we create RISTRE ?

- Because we’re always on the move
- We don’t have much time to eat
- And we want to get enough nutrients
A long shelf life but no artificial preservatives. Doesn’t need to be refrigerated. Can be eaten right away. Makes you feel satiated yet not too heavy. Tastes good but is also perfectly nutritionally balanced. That’s the idea of food that Damien Thorn missed in his life when he had to eat on the road with food he could get at the gas stations and fast-food restaurants. Nothing of this kind of functional food existed. That’s why he decided to make it himself.
He became interested in nutritional values, the best quality ingredients and superfoods. He called in experts to cooperate with him. His aim was to include the vitamins and minerals that he took in the form of supplements. When he met up with food technologists with the aim to put his idea into practice, they shook their heads and said that it wasn’t possible. But don’t ever say that something isn’t possible – because there’ll always be someone who doesn’t know that and will do it.
In the case of RISTRE this someone was Damien. He didn’t want to sacrifice quality, and so, in collaboration with nutritional experts, he enhanced and tested this unique food - containing 60 nutritionally-balanced ingredients - in the laboratory, as well as on himself.
Today, we blend it and make it with top-quality ingredients in a spa town Luhačovice. Its quality is assessed at Swiss laboratories, and we’re convinced that what we’re offering you is truly the best.
The role of RISTRE is not to replace a varied and balanced diet. It is, however, a unique alternative to a full-fledged meal you can have even if you’re in a hurry. You can enjoy a nutritious meal despite having a demanding job, traveling or doing endurance sports. Ready to eat, without preparation. It is possible.
Try RISTRE and see for yourself.
In the case of Damien, this one-word label “founder” covers the long path that started with an idea and ended with fine-tuned RISTRE you can enjoy today. He spent years refining the recipe, selecting the right ingredients and processing methods. Now he is focusing on brand promotion as well as his other passion, driving cars. He is traveling around Europe in his campervan with RISTRE always on hand.
Should you need anything regarding B2B or customer service, do not hesitate to contact Damien.
You can reach him via his e-mail: damien@ristre.com or at his phone number +41 783 115 599 .
Turning an idea into reality is not only time-consuming but costs money, too. Especially when one has a clear picture of what he wants and doesn’t want to sacrifice quality. If it wasn’t for Miloslav who liked Damien’s idea and his enthusiasm for the project and decided to support him, it would never be possible to bring RISTRE to you – our customers. Miloslav engages in a wide range of business activities and on the days filled with meetings RISTRE surely comes in handy.